3D Printers Expected to Have Good Year

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Since they first became viable commercial products, 3D printers have been the talk of the manufacturing industry. For manufacturers, the printers have the potential to revolutionize the prototyping process and everyday operations. By keeping an eye on the state of 3D printing in 2014, you can determine the best time to integrate this new technology into your company.

In 2013, 3D printers began the transition from exciting possibility to increasingly accessible business tool. In 2014, their potential is expected to skyrocket. Printer engineers have made significant advances in the technology, enabling users to create everything from dessert to human tissue. In fact, according to Computerworld, a company called Organovo plans to create the first 3D-printed human organ this year. With each new development, investors flock to printer companies to pour money into further research.

In the manufacturing industry, 3D printers have a wide range of applications. For manufacturers, prototyping is one of the most highly anticipated applications. Instead of using a number of standard machines to create a single product, manufacturers will be able to print the prototype components. In doing so, they will be able to reduce labor hours, cut maintenance costs on large machines, and shorten the delivery cycle. The printers are expected to reduce the time it takes to build each prototype, making it easier to implement and test new designs.

As 2014 progresses, however, the industry is expected to turn its attention to 3D printing of final part production. According to "Forbes," companies have a greater need for printed parts than printed prototypes; in many cases, the ratio is 1,000:1. To that end, companies are expected to invest in printers that can handle commercial production.

A recent story from CNET indicates that 3D printers are anticipated to be an important educational tool in 2014. Universities and high schools will be able to purchase the printers for classroom use, enabling instructors to use the latest technology in experiments and lectures. As the printers work their way through the educational system, manufacturing companies can expect to see new graduates who are well versed in the technology and potential applications.

With increased consumer interest in 3D printing, major computer companies are taking notice. In 2013, HP announced that it would be introducing 3D printers in 2014 or 2015. As more manufacturers add the printers to their offerings, manufacturing companies will be able to test 3D printing without breaking the budget.

Whether you work for a small operation or a large corporation, staying informed about the state of 3D printing in 2014 is crucial. For manufacturers, 3D printers offer a wide range of exciting possibilities; when you make an effort to stay current, you can take advantage of opportunities as they arise.


(Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net)


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