How to Network as an Admin

Julie Shenkman
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When you are an administrative assistant in a busy office, you probably do not get a lot of opportunities to network with people in other offices or companies. Since most of your work is performed to support your office's staff, you do not often get to network as an admin or enjoy the networking opportunities that other staff regularly experience. However, there are still ways to use those connections to pursue an administrative career path.

As an admin, your network begins with the people around you. By doing superlative work in your role as an administrative assistant, you put yourself in a good position to be recommended for promotions or additional responsibilities. Build strong relationships with other members of the admin team as well as your supervisors. These are the people who help you grow in your administrative career.

If you decide to leave your current position for a new company, asking coworkers you trust if they know any companies that are hiring is a good way to use your internal network to find out about external jobs. Likewise, if your coworkers move on to other companies, they are now in the position to send you information about new career opportunities. Forming strong connections with your coworkers and supervisors is one of the best ways to network as an admin.

Another good way to network as an admin is to attend conferences in your field. By attending conferences, you both learn new skills and have the opportunity to meet people from a variety of different companies. Learn conference networking tips, make as many connections as possible, and engage in positive, friendly conversation about your respective careers and career goals.

After you return from the conference, keep in touch with your new connections through LinkedIn. Learning how to network as an admin means taking advantage of every connection you make and then keeping those connections active. Then, when you start your own job search, you are able to reach out to your connections without worrying whether they still remember you.

Likewise, do not forget to make positive impressions on any clients or guests your office hosts. Even something as simple as pouring a cup of coffee is a good way to get positive attention from people who might be in a position to help you someday. Greet returning clients by name, show interest in their work and do your best to present yourself as a competent, courteous administrative professional.

Learning how to network as an admin is an important part of managing your administrative career path. Build strong relationships with coworkers, supervisors and clients. Seek out new connections by attending conferences in your field. The more you network as an admin, the larger your network grows and the more people you have who are invested in your work and your career.


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